
With this website we hope to give you a taster of our exquisite collections. We offer silk scarves, bags and accessories beautifully embroidered in silk, sumptious velvet scarves and bags with pompoms, jewellery in silk and shell, with beading and embroidery, silk flower brooches and a great collection of hemp bags.

01179 622352

Fair trade is much more than bananas. If you would like to find out more about the British Association of Fair Trade Shops and Suppliers (BAFTS) or about Fair Trade shops near you go to

If you are interested to know more about the ethnic Hmong groups or simply to get a feel about what Craftlink are about you can go to Craftlinks’ Facebook page. One of my favourite posts is the one posted on June 10th, 2018 about the WhiteHmong and the Flower Hmong but there are many beautiful pictures depicting the various tribes. And yes they really are that varied and no they don’t simply dress up for the odd tourist or two! But you do need to know were to go to meet them as it’s only in the very Northern regions of Vietnam where the traditional way of life is still sustained.