
With this website we hope to give you a taster of our exquisite collections. We offer silk scarves, bags and accessories beautifully embroidered in silk, sumptious velvet scarves and bags with pompoms, jewellery in silk and shell, with beading and embroidery, silk flower brooches and a great collection of hemp bags.

01179 622352

Silkthreads Catalogue

Hand-woven Silk Scarves

These hand-woven silk scarves are screen printed with various designs.  Brought to you  through EMA, a fair trade co-operative based  in Northern India.

Only 2 designs left in stock  as shown!  5 of Red star flower and 2 of the tropical green.


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    These hand-woven silk scarves are screen printed with various designs.  Brought to you  through EMA, a fair trade co-operative based  in Northern India.

    Available in the four different designs as shown.  The designs include blue psychedelic, tropical green, delicate green, and red star .  Can be ordered by design but please ask for stock levels! The price reflects the limited selection.

    Additional information

    Additional information

    Weight 25 g
    Dimensions 150 × 50 cm