
With this website we hope to give you a taster of our exquisite collections. We offer silk scarves, bags and accessories beautifully embroidered in silk, sumptious velvet scarves and bags with pompoms, jewellery in silk and shell, with beading and embroidery, silk flower brooches and a great collection of hemp bags.

01179 622352
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Our Suppliers

Silkthreads is proud to be a member of the British Association of Fair Trade Shops and Suppliers (BAFTS).  BAFTS is a member of the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO).
Silkthreads together with our main suppliers Craft Link and MKS, offers a range of silk and velvet scarves and accessories including a unique range of hand embroidered applique Hmong jewellery.
Craft Link was set up in Vietnam by international NGOs with the aim of helping disadvantaged and marginalised groups gain a means of generating income and create a sustainable future for themselves and their communities whilst at the same time preserving some of their ancient traditions such as weaving and embroidery.
Madhya Kalikat Shilpangan (MKS) is based in Kolkata, India, and was set up in 1994 with the aim of providing support to artisans who were not in a position to access markets and earn a living despite their craft skills.   MKS also supports the development of communities for artisans, providing informal education and training and ensures that the artisans are paid fairly and their produce finds local, regional as well as international markets to help protect them from market volatility.   MKS is a member of the Fair Trade Forum of India.
Other suppliers include EMA, the Equitable Marketing Association, also based in West Bengal, India, who work to support those who are also living in challenging economic conditions.
Silkthreads also have a range of hand woven shot silk shawls produced by Cambodian widows and supplied through the charity Village Works.


To create opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers


To be transparent and accountable in all dealings and at all levels of the supply chain


Commitment to non-discrimination, gender equality and freedom of association within the workplace including a trade union or bargain collective is also expected

A fair price

Payment of a fair price to ensure producers receive at the very least the countries set minimum wage if there is one. A fair price is achieved through discussion and negotiation taking into account the principle of equal pay for equal work

No child labour

Ensuring no child labour or forced labour is used. In some culture it is common for children to be part of a production stage, however under Fair Trade this would be disclosed and it would only be accepted if it was guaranteed that the amount of work involved would not have a detrimental effect on a child’s well-being, education, security

Fair trading practices

This ensures for instance that the producer is protected by an upfront payment of 50% when the buyer places an order followed by prompt payment on receipt of order or placing orders at a time that is more beneficial to the producer in order to ensure continuity of work. It also involves being aware of producer production capacity and ensuring that there is good communication and trust to ensure a long-term working partnership

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